Visitor Guidelines


1. Accessibility

Barkerville is 75% wheelchair accessible which includes the historic town and our campgrounds. Please be patient as we continue to make improvements.

2. Admissions

We rely on your support through ticket sales and donations to provide world renowned public programming and services like accommodations, sparkling clean bathrooms and Wi-Fi. Admissions are charged at the Welcome Center during our main season and special events for entrance to the Heritage Zone. Buy your tickets here to keep the Barkerville magic alive. The remainder of the year, guests can access Barkerville via the walk-in gate from 8AM – 5PM daily, and donations are encouraged.

3. Alcohol 

Consumption of alcohol is allowed only at your registered campsite, overnight accommodations, or at licensed premises within Barkerville Historic Town & Park.

4. Bicycling

Cycling is permitted only on roads and designated trails surrounding Barkerville, not within the townsite itself. Cyclists wishing to pass through the Heritage Zone during Barkerville’s main season must check in at the Welcome Centre. Bicycles must be pushed at a walking pace at all times, and are not permitted on the boardwalks.

5. Camping

Camping is allowed only in designated campsites during Barkerville’s main season. Check back soon to book a campsite for the 2025 season.

6. Cannabis

Smoking or vaping of cannabis is prohibited within Barkerville Historic Town & Park except in your registered campsite.

7. Cemeteries

The Barkerville Cemetery, Richfield Cemetery, Cottonwood House Cemetery and Blessing’s Grave are Provincial Heritage Properties and registered Archaeological sites, protected by law. Alteration of these sites, including placement of headstones, benches, and other memorial markers is at the discretion of the BC Heritage Branch and may require a permit. Artificial flowers and other non-biodegradable offerings are not permitted and will be removed. Please contact us for further information.

8. Conservation

The Barkerville Heritage Trust is responsible for protecting the natural and built environment and cultural values of the site. We are committed to honouring BC’s natural heritage and working to ensure its healthy future for decades to come. We collaborate with First Nations and community partners to preserve Barkerville Historic Town & Park’s outstanding beauty, biodiversity and remarkable history for everyone.

9. Drones

Operating drones without permission is strictly illegal in all BC Parks. Please contact us to obtain a drone use permit.

10. Filming & Photography

Permits are required for commercial filming and photography within Barkerville Historic Town & Park.  Please contact us for more information.

11. Firearms & Hunting

Firearms and hunting are not permitted within Barkerville Historic Town & Park.

12. Fires

  • Fires are permitted only in designated fire enclosures as provided by Barkerville and are subject to any local fire bans or restrictions within the Cariboo Fire Centre.
  • Do not move campfire rings, burn garbage, or leave fires unattended. Ensure fires are fully extinguished if they are not being monitored.
  • Do not gather wood, break off branches, or damage live trees in any way to build your fire. Bringing in your own firewood can expose sensitive ecosystems to invasive species, so please only use firewood supplied by Barkerville.

13. Fireworks

Using, selling, or purchasing fireworks, or any other type of explosive, is not permitted within Barkerville Historic Town & Park.

14. Garbage & Litter

Any unwanted food and garbage must be disposed of in wildlife resistant garbage bins or secured in your vehicle or food locker. Never leave garbage unattended. Do not store garbage in your tent, tent trailer or open pick-up bed.  Barkerville staff check for unattended wildlife attractions, and attractants found in plain view may be removed and safely secured to reduce the risks to you and to wildlife. Never burn food or food related items including bottles, cans and garbage. Do not dispose of garbage in outhouses.

15. Generators

To provide campers with a quiet and enjoyable experience within campgrounds, generator use is permitted only between 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

16. Geocaching, Metal Detecting, and Other Treasure Hunting

Metal detecting, bottle digging, and other treasure hunting for historic refuse is strictly prohibited within BC Parks. Removal of historic material is a violation of the Heritage Conservation Act and violators may be subject to criminal prosecution, including jail time and fines of up to $100,000.

BC Parks Geocaching Policy

17. Gold Panning

In order to protect heritage and environmental resources, recreational hand panning is prohibited on Provincial Heritage Sites except in designated gold panning troughs. Gold panning lessons are available at El Dorado Gold Panning & Gift Shop during our Main Season.

18. Ground Disturbing Work

Barkerville Historic Town & Park is a registered archaeological site. Work that has the potential to disturb soil surfaces within Barkerville’s park boundaries requires authorization and may require archaeological oversight. Contact us for more information.

19. Heritage Zone Vehicle Access

Vehicle access to Barkerville’s Heritage Zone (areas beyond the Welcome Centre) is limited to approved vehicles, at approved times and only as necessary.  All vehicles entering the Heritage Zone must check in with site staff.

20. Legislation

21. Natural & Historic Objects

Leave what you find – it is the law.

Natural and cultural resources such as rocks, fossils, artifacts, antlers, wildflowers, nests, or bottles, are protected and must be left undisturbed for others to discover and enjoy. Archaeological artifacts should be left in place. If you believe an item may be especially significant, leave the item in place, mark the location, and notify Barkerville staff.

22. Parking

Parking is permitted in designated areas only.

23. Pets

  • Pets must be always on a leash. For the protection of visitors, livestock, and wildlife, pets are not permitted within Barkerville’s Heritage Zone during our main season and special events. Pet owners must promptly clean up any waste their pets leave behind.
  • During the shoulder season, pets are permitted within Barkerville’s Heritage Zone and must be leashed at all times.
  • Day use dog kennels are available during our main season for rent at the Barkerville Welcome Centre.
  • Certified service animals are always welcome anywhere Barkerville guests are welcome. Please check in with our staff at the Welcome Centre. 
  • Hikers with dogs wishing to pass through Barkerville’s Heritage Zone during the main season must check in at the Welcome Centre.

24. Recreational Vehicles

Access to trails may vary depending on the season, weather, trail conditions, and wildfire risk. Up to date information about recreation sites and trails is available here.

25. Respectful Interactions

Barkerville is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for visitors and staff. Please keep the following etiquette tips in mind when interacting with historic interpreters and other staff and guests.

  • Please ask before posing for photos with historic characters.
  • Do not try to trick interpreters or make them break character.
  • Costumes are not consent. Do not touch people or their costumes or items without their permission.
  • Barkerville will not tolerate inappropriate touching, lewd or racist comments, or harassment of any kind.
  • Do not engage in disruptive behaviour that disturbs or endangers programming, staff or other guests.


Smoking or vaping of any substance is not permitted in the historic zone of Barkerville, Richfield, or anywhere in between.  Smoking is only permitted in the designated areas in the parking lots and camp sites.

27. Trails

Detailed information about trails and permitted activities and permitted activities in and around Barkerville can be found here.

28. Wildlife

According to Clause 33.1 in the Wildlife Act, it is illegal to feed, entice or disturb any wildlife in a Provincial Park, even if they are very cute.

It is extremely important to avoid attracting wild animals to campgrounds. Keep food and food waste in a vehicle, hard-sided trailer, or bear-proof canister. Dispose of garbage in designated receptacles or pack it out with food waste.

Animal behaviour is unpredictable. Be respectful when photographing wildlife. Never take selfies with wildlife. If you see wildlife beside the road, slow down, stay in your vehicle, take a photo, and move on.